Geodata technologies for a sustainable future
Master the challenges of climate change, digitalisation, infrastructure expansion and resource consumption with us. We provide reliable, transparent and competent support in the processing of geoinformation.
About us
VisDat GmbH is a service company founded in 2010 and based in Dresden. We offer comprehensive IT solutions that focus on geographic information systems (GIS), environmental modelling and the programming of GIS software components.

At the interface between application and IT
In addition to technical simulations of the water balance, soil erosion, nitrate and phosphorus inputs into water bodies, we also focus on issues relating to data management and the visualisation of modelling data via WebGIS applications.

Agile Software development
We use agile development methods such as Scrum and Kanban in our projects. These enable a high level of transparency, rapid system development and risk reduction during the development process and market launch.

Active in research and development
As an IT and specialist partner of universities and research institutions, we are closely involved in the geoscientific community and make an active contribution to research and publications.
Current case studies
Exciting projects that we are currently working on: